2017 Mercedes G Wagon Exterior

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Design

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For the 2017 version of their G Wagon, Mercedes have a few things in store for us. Let us not keep you waiting: Release Date: Most likely late 2016, early 2017. Price: The price tag starts at $110,000.

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Exterior

The 2017 Mercedes G Wagon has a lot of obstacles to overcome when it comes to the exterior. Being an SUV, it suffers from a number of drawbacks that have plagued it for years, such as a boxy body, being heavy and using a lot more gasoline than people would like it to.

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Exterior

Mercedes has made modest improvements on at least one of these fronts, which should inevitably reflect on the other two as well. Even though it did not ditch the boxy exterior, the aesthetics have certainly improved, with a set of tweaked LED lights and a revised front fascia.

However, arguably the biggest change for this model is the new materials used in its construction as well as a new dimensions. It is now almost four inches wider than it used to be, which should really make a difference on the inside, not to mention add a new suspension and increase the stability of the vehicle which is kind of a big deal when you go off-road.

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2017 Mercedes G Wagon Exterior

Most importantly, this weight loss should do wonders for handling and fuel consumption alike. It is estimated that aluminum parts alone could get up to 450 pounds from its current weight. Add a new steering system into the fold and you get one serious contender.


Many of the changes that relate to the interior of the 2017 Mercedes G Wagon have been wrapped in a veil of mystery. Why is that? Well, for one, people over at Mercedes seem to really like their surprises.

Or just like to keep it real. Since this is not exactly the very top of their line, a lot of features on the inside are on par with equipment and gadgets you can find in a regular C-class Mercedes vehicle.

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Interior

Keep in mind that this is supposed to be a true blood SUV, so the amenities were never truly meant to be that great. On the other hand, this model is as luxurious and spacious as it gets.

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From the leather upholstery and new materials to the latest in infotainment systems, this model has it all.

Engine of Mercedes G Wagon

In the engine department, there is not that much to say even at this point, which just goes to show you how secretive guys over at Mercedes can get about their vehicles.

Still, if the rumors hold true, the 2017 Mercedes G Wagon should reap all the benefits of an entire selection of gasoline and diesel engines starting off at a 3.0 L inline-six. As for the power output, we are stuck with educated guesses on that front as well.

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Engine

The estimated power output is roughly 365 hp and 305 lb-ft of torque. There should be a 9-speed automatic transmission somewhere in there as well. Sadly, no exact specs on acceleration, top speed or fuel efficiency for that matter. You’ll just have to wait and see.

2017 Mercedes G Wagon Video

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